“Agapian Spirit”
The Conciliation Management System comes to consolidate values that already resided in agap2IT, values that are known among employees as "Agapian Spirit" being easily associated and correlated to this Management System:
- Human Enrichment
- Corporate spirit
- Social Responsibility
Principles and Values of Conciliation
agap2IT understands, respects and complies with all applicable legislation, establishing its identity in the principles of Gender Transversality, Equal Opportunities between men and women and non-discrimination and Conciliation between professional, family and personal life, guiding its strategy, policies, practices and implementation processes, pursuing a real and certified Conciliation Management System, to this end, publicly recognizes and exalts the following principles and values in line with the “Agapian Spirit”:
- Human Enrichment
- Equality and non-discrimination
- Corporate spirit
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Social Responsibility
- Conciliation
- Ethical Conduct
- Respect for stakeholders
- Human Enrichment
- Equality and non-discrimination
Based on the Portuguese Republic Constitution in preserving the spirit of its articles 13, 15 and 26, agap2IT mirrors the primordial values that should govern the conduct, guaranteeing the development of personality and good citizenship, caring for the good name and reputation, safeguarding the intimacy of private and family life: all employees have the same social dignity, having equal treatment without distinctions of sex, race, language, territory of origin, religion, political or ideological beliefs, education, economic situation, social condition or sexual orientation. No one may under any circumstances be privileged, benefited, prejudiced, deprived of any right, or exempted from any duty as a result.
agap2IT seeks to enrich these values by giving them an already existing role among the "agapian" values, human valorization is part of its essence being mirrored in the accompaniment and evolution provided to the employee, besides the proximity that guarantees the development of personality and good citizenship.
- Corporate spirit
agap2IT fulfils the duties of a good citizen by taking a preventive stance, assuming its impact on stakeholders, the economy and society, providing for and committing to its social responsibility. agap2IT commits to strict compliance with the law by accepting the consequences for any wrongful conduct, taking reactive measures to avoid any repetition. This principle is associated to the Corporate Spirit present in agap2IT for a long time to obtain a good management through autonomy and accountability; dynamism and creativity; flexibility and innovation.
A central pillar for the good practices of any organization is the transparency of information, which must be accessible and understandable to those who may be significantly affected.
agap2IT ensures the good practices of information transparency through its policies, decisions, and activities, making itself known in a clear, precise, objective, and complete manner, within the limits of what is reasonable and sufficient.
In strict compliance with the duty of commercial secrecy, professional secrecy, GDPR and other applicable legislation, distinguishing information to be provided to the public with information classified as confidential according to the organization's Information Classification Policy, the transparency principle does not require that this type of protected or critical information for the good activity of the organization be public or made available.
- Social Responsibility
agap2IT ensures work planning considering the Rights of Workers as enshrined in article 59 of the Portuguese Constitution, providing for socially dignifying conditions for any employee, in order to provide greater stability and personal fulfillment, advocating a full conciliation between professional activity and family life.
The well-being of the employee is a key factor, caring for the people that integrate it, so that the employee can also provide an equitable response and attention, agap2IT seeks to act in an ethical manner, basing its conduct on values of honesty, fairness, and integrity. agap2IT strives to create control mechanisms that promote the listening of opportunities for improvement and complaints that the employee may have, being aware that only in this way can the organization evolve, seeking to encourage the employee to share his points of view in a comfortable and safe manner. agap2IT is vigilant, encourages and protects the employee so that he/she does not fear any reprisal.
agap2IT ensures respect and promotes the involvement of stakeholders by listening to them and considering their points of view regarding interests that may be affected by a decision or activity.